Tactical Wisdom
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Maccabees - 10% for the Big Guy

Sorry for missing a couple of days, but the world has gone a little mad.

As we begin 2 Maccabees 4, Simon the Fed is still making false claims to set up Onias. This time, it's that Onias conspired against the government (surprise).

2 He dared to designate as a plotter against the government the man who was the benefactor of the city, the protector of his compatriots, and a zealot for the laws.

This sounds familiar, because here, people who love the Constitution and it's promise between the People and the Government, have been designated as "plotters against the government". We're not anti-government, we're "anti-government OVERREACH". The Founders never envisioned the government having this much intrusion into your daily lives, but I digress.

With all of the unrest, most kept their heads in the sand, having a normalcy bias. Eventually, though, even Onias had to acknowledge the danger, just like we do here:

3 When his hatred progressed to such a degree that even murders were committed by one of Simon’s approved agents, 4 Onias recognized that the rivalry was serious and that Apollonius son of Menestheus, and governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, was intensifying the malice of Simon.

Yep, Onias realized that the GOVERNMENT itself was instigating the violence, to justify further oppression and taxation. Man, that sure sounds familiar. The purpose of CRT and DEI programs is "intensifying the malice" of allegedly oppressed and marginalized groups.

A man named Jason offered the King a bribe and was appointed High Priest. Now, this High Priest's "Reforms" led to watering down the observances of the Church and adopting the Greek's customs and pagan ways. Every kind of immorality was suddenly "reinterpreted" by the Church, and observances fell by the wayside:

13 There was such an extreme of Hellenization and increase in the adoption of foreign ways because of the surpassing wickedness of Jason, who was ungodly and no true high priest, 14 that the priests were no longer intent upon their service at the altar. Despising the sanctuary and neglecting the sacrifices, they hurried to take part in the unlawful proceedings...

This is where Western Churches are today. Churches are reinterpreting the Word and finding ways to twist it to sanctify and excuse every detestable thing. They've justified trans-sexualism, which directly calls God into question. They have justified every kind of sexual deviance and theft or envy in the name of "equity" and "justice". Hard work has been slandered by the New Church. They have slandered the institution of marriage, which was established by God in Genesis 2:18:

The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Now, as the Bible shows us time and again, this always leads to disaster:

16 For this reason heavy disaster overtook them, and those whose ways of living they admired and wished to imitate completely became their enemies and punished them. 17 It is no light thing to show irreverence to the divine laws—a fact that later events will make clear.

We are at such a moment. Disaster is impending all around us. There is some other Tactical Wisdom in here...."became their enemies and punished them". What this means is that no amount of "being an ally" or "apologizing for past discrimination" is going to appease the woke mob. They may get to you last, but they will still come for you; they are still your enemy.

At this point in our Maccabees tale, more intrigue enters. Menelaus, Simon's brother, offered a bigger bribe to the King and was allowed to replace Jason. The Tactical Wisdom here is that loyalty cannot be bought, especially when you THINK you've bought it. You can pay someone to be loyal, but they're only loyal until someone else offers them more money.

Onias attempted to expose this grift and make public all of the misdeeds of the government officials. How do you suppose that went? Exactly as you might think:

33 When Onias became fully aware of these acts, he publicly exposed them, having first withdrawn to a place of sanctuary at Daphne near Antioch. 34 Therefore Menelaus, taking Andronicus aside, urged him to kill Onias. Andronicus came to Onias, and resorting to treachery, offered him sworn pledges and gave him his right hand; he persuaded him, though still suspicious, to come out from the place of sanctuary; then, with no regard for justice, he immediately put him out of the way.

There's a couple of pieces of Tactical Wisdom here. First, Onias set up his safe haven first. Have a safe location that you can defend that you can "bug out" to if needed. In TW-03, I discuss how to set up a "safe house" network with your allies. Second, Onias was only killed after he agreed to set aside his security preparations. Don't talk to the Feds! While I joke about Feds, seriously, if you've made arrangements for your security, don't set them aside for anything.

35 For this reason not only Jews, but many also of other nations, were grieved and displeased at the unjust murder of the man.

We've all heard of unjust killings and excessive force. This murder roused the people, and they began protesting. Rioting is as old as when men founded the first city-state. When the Greek forces in the Citadel tried to suppress the riots, things got spicy:

40 Since the crowds were becoming aroused and filled with anger, Lysimachus armed about three thousand men and launched an unjust attack, under the leadership of a certain Auranus, a man advanced in years and no less advanced in folly. 41 But when the Jews became aware that Lysimachus was attacking them, some picked up stones, some blocks of wood, and others took handfuls of the ashes that were lying around and threw them in wild confusion at Lysimachus and his men. 42 As a result, they wounded many of them, and killed some, and put all the rest to flight; the temple robber himself they killed close by the treasury.

It's not confirmed, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the crowd was shouting "Jewish Lives Matter" and chanting "All Greeks Are Bastards", but that has not been confirmed. In all seriousness, there is a line at which point good people can be pushed too far. April 19, 1775, on Lexington Green is one such example.

After this riot, Menelaus was charged by the King, and people thought that all was good. However, when the trial began, Menelaus offered up "10% for the Big Guy":

45 But Menelaus, already as good as beaten, promised a substantial bribe to Ptolemy son of Dorymenes to win over the king. 46 Therefore Ptolemy, taking the king aside into a colonnade as if for refreshment, induced the king to change his mind. 47 Menelaus, the cause of all the trouble, he acquitted of the charges against him, while he sentenced to death those unfortunate men, who would have been freed un-condemned if they had pleaded even before Scythians. 48 And so those who had spoken for the city and the villages, and the holy vessels quickly suffered the unjust penalty.

Not only did Menelaus go free, but he also killed his accusers. How many times have we heard of those investigating the misdeeds of the powerful dying under mysterious conditions? It's not a new thing. It's as old as government and when one man desired to rule over another no matter what.

The chapter closes with the best point yet. Despite all his misdeeds, the bad guy remained in office by promising 10% to the Big Guy, and he doubled down on his tyranny, just as we are seeing today:

50 But Menelaus, because of the greed of those in power, remained in office, growing in wickedness, having become the chief plotter against his compatriots.

Till next time....

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Timeline Cleanse

Time for a timeline Cleanse before WW3 kicks off.


This appears to be video from the fighting on the Venezuela-Guyana border.

Quick Thoughts on GPS Units

Here are a few quick thoughts on GPS units.

1. Get older ones - they may have less features, but they also don't track you for "your safety".

2. You don't need a camera on it. Ever.

3. There are guys on Ebay who specialize in flashing old units with new software. I just bought a "new old stock" one that a guy upgraded.

4. They will also sell you all the newest GPS Topo maps at reduced prices. I have like 5 different map areas on one SD card.

5. Get one that takes an SD card and force the unit to save all your tracks and points to the SD. That way in the event of potential compromise, you can pull the SD Card and either bury it or toss it, and they can't exploit your GPS to find your camp, home, base, etc.


The CLion1 communications cable has been cut for the third time. The cable connects Gotland to Sweden.

It was also cut in November and December.

February 17, 2025

Another regional jet, the same type as in D.C, crashes. This time in Toronto. Snowy conditions on the runway and strong gusty crosswinds. The aircraft flipped, tore off the wings & tail, and briefly caught fire.

All aboard survived with nineteen injuries, two of which are critical. One of the critical was a lap child (i.e. a parent holding a baby). As one who has twenty five years flying for the airlines, if you are holding a baby instead of buying an extra seat & using a child seat, you are a dumbass. Held children in an aircraft accident become projectiles. DON'T do it.

Insider scuttlebutt has it that the First Officer was a new hire with little flight time and possibly was still undergoing her initial checkout training. Probably not the best judgement to have a newbie conduct the landing in such conditions.

Beware, due to the pilot shortage there are many low time pilots at all of the carriers, in both seats.

Below is a link to a video shot by a dumbass passenger shot WHILE ...

INTEL BRIEF - Beirut Fighting

A UNIFIL Convoy was struck by Hezbollah and IRGC forces near Beirut International.

The Deputy Commander has been wounded along with several others. At least one vehicle was set on fire.

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Partisan Logistics

This article is an add-on to the most recent article at tactical-wisdom.com.  In addition to having your own 14 days of portbale supplies, you need some sort of clandestine resupply network if you intend to fight as a partisan, resisting some type of oppresive force (Dear feds: The CHINESE).

Eric Robert Rudoplh, the Olympic Park Bomber, hid from authorities in the wild for months, despite them having a clear starting point for his evasion.  Now, we're not idolizing Rudoplh, he was a terrorist, but his tactics made him a folk hero in his area.  Rudolph was able to evade by living off the supplies he carried, his gear, and the land.  The ONLY reason he got caught was because he ran out of food and without a support network, he resorted to dumpster diving, and thus was captured on video, giving the authorities a fresh and recent start point.

You can avoid this by setting up some of the techniques we're about to discuss.  However, this is the point where I tell you that this training isn't free.  You must be a paid supporter to read the rest.


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Book Review: The Prepper's Guide to Post-Disaster Communications
Aden Tate

Amazon Purchase Link: Prepper's Guide

Aden is a friend of mine, but he didn't ask me to review this and doesn't even know I'm doing it.  I'm sneaky like that.

I started this book long ago, but my travel schedule and move put reading on the back burner.  However, the communications issues we faced in the aftermath of back to back hurricanes had me thinking I'd better break this out and get to work.

The cool thing is that Aden, also known as the King of the South (just ask him), has a really fun writing style and is easy to read.  Once I got into the meat of the book, I couldn't stop reading it. His hand-drawn cartoons are better than mine (shocking, I know) and actually make the book more fun.

Aden discusses practical, real-world use of radio in all it's forms in a post-disaster or Without Rule of Law environment.  He breaks down the physics of radio and explains in simple terms all of the various types of radios.  For example, he discusses software-defined radio (SDR), digital vs analog, HF radio, VHF/UHF radio and all of their uses. He discusses how to incorporate directional antennas, spectrum analyzers, and scanners into your intelligence collection plan.

Aden uses several real-world examples to illustrate his point.  One of the best chapters is on how to use radios to provide early warning for an underground church meeting. He delves into recon and intelligence skills to supplement your radios.

He includes a series of training exercises and thought questions designed to help you think about your radio and communications plans.  The appendix contains a list of frequencies to monitor during emergencies.

The true indicator of how smart a man is is how much agrees with you.  In this book, Aden recommends taking NC Scout's RTO course several itmes, as well as recommending his book.  Since I feel the same way, Aden is clearly a genius.

I highly recommend this book.



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GroundRod 1 Course Review

Earlier this month, I hosted K from Combat Studies Group.  He held a GroundRod Level 1 course here at Camp Ponderosa.  A good number of guys came and we learned a ton about digital privacy and how to defeat the surveillance state.  The guys loved the location here as well as K's outstanding content.

A few weeks ago, NC Scout said during a podcast that if you can only afford to take one class this year, you should start with GroundRod.  He is 100% correct.  Tightening up your digital tradecraft and reducing your online footprint is worth far more than K charges.

Normally, this is where I'd say you need to be a paid subscriber to learn more, but I feel like this is so vital and I'd like to convince others to sign up as monthly supporters.  Consider this a free preveiw of the types of studies, analysis, and reviews that we do over here.  It's worth the $5 a month.  We do video training, intelligence reporting and analysis, and reviews of books, gear, and classes.

I'm not going to give away any of K's content, but we are going to go over some of the topics.

The course series (4 classes) covers information security, communications security, personal security, escape & evasion, and tradecraft.  GroundRod 1 is concerns with the first two, as well as digital tradecraft.  K drew an interesting Venn diagram highlighting that the class covers the intersection of privacy, security, and anonymity.

We talked about the threat environment involving not just government activity, but also corporations and criminals.  An interesting note is that the Five Eyes countries use each other's intelligence agencies to get around restrictions against spying on citizens, ala Chris Steele and Donald Trump.

K covered common attack surfaces, including lesser-known ones like "juice jacking" where when you plug in your phone to a public charging cable at a coffee shop or airport, criminals withdraw the data on your phone.  K gave specific countermeasures for that.

K offered up ways to secure your home router, ways to stay safe on public internet, and how to reduce the amount of "pattern of life" data you emit, enabling survielllance of yourself.  That backs up what NC Scout teaches when he talks about building a pattern of life on SIGINT targets.

The class covered more secure operating systems that you can boot from a USB drive to better protect your data and your browsing, to hide that pattern of life data.  It also covered basic and advanced methods of cryptology as well as some advanced steganography.  

Everyone in the class built their own Operating System flash drive and encrypted vault memory systems.  

The course covered a lot of great digital fieldcraft like how to hide or research metadata in files, how to trace emails, and how specifically internet traffic is routed, so that you can game that system.  Once you know how traffic is routed, how DNS servers work, and how MAC addresses work, you can then develop a strategy to work around the tracking protocols that are built into the system.

K gave his advice on good VPN services as well as which ones to avoid.

Some of the more in-the-weeds stuff was how to set up your browsers internal settings to maximize privacy and reduce tracking.  It's a lot of tech nerd stuff but absolutely vital as things progress here in the Western nations.

We went over various search engines and chat services, discussing merits of them.  For example, we learned that despite their public statements, Duck Duck Go isn't really private at all.  And, as I keep saying, K pointed out that Signal has no place in partisan activity.

K finally was able to break through my reluctance to using crypto.  He went over the blockchain entirely and expalined that most of it isn't as completely anonymous as they claim, but it is anonymous enough to make tracking hard.  He went over which coins were more secure and which were not safe.

There was much more in the class, including the tracking of your vehicle by the manufacturers and how to defeat license plate readers.

I highly recommend taking this class if it is offered anywhere near you.

GroundRod 2, which we have scheduled here at Camp Ponderosa for January 18-19, is a continuation of these topics.  You can register at CSG Calendar.

GroundRod 3 and 4 deal with the physical security skills of escape and evasion, kidnap resistance, and tradecraft.

Get trained and learn how to reduce your attack surfaces.


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