As uncertainty increases, having a way to stay in touch with loved ones becomes vital. Just yesterday, we learned that two likely ANTIFA suspects cut power to 40,000 people in Connecticut over the weekend. While the official story is theft-related, the suspects hailed from an ANTIFA stronghold in Asheville, NC. No explanation for why they were hours away in CT was given. No one travels that far just to steal copper when it's available everywhere. We need to plan for increased grid attacks.
The most common radios in use today are VHF/UHF dual band radios, whether cheap Chinese types or more expensive Japanese Ham-type, but those are still just VHF/UHF radios. For our purposes, it doesn't matter.
Lets make the Feds happy: To use amateur radio frequencies, you MUST have an amateur license. To use FRS/GMRS frequencies over 2 watts, you MUST have a GMRS license. MURS and FRS under 2 watts do not require a license, nor does CB. We good? Good.