Book Affiliate Link: Security Operations
Let me first say that this book is EXPENSIVE. However, as a professional in the Private Security Detail world, it's a book that is well worth it's price.
OK, so why are you talking about it on your preparedness site? Easy. The book covers how to protect a client while moving throw a hostile environment with limited law and order, open conflict, and limited services like power and water. Sound like what we envision happening in the US soon?
As I pointed out in TW-03, Defensive Operations, the same skills that PSD's use in high risk environments like Iraq, Afghanistan, the Sudan, and Haiti, are the same skills you would use to secure you team while moving in a WROL situation. I can assure you, escorting a reconstruction executive around Haiti after the earthquake was a complete collapse situation, complete with highway robbers, roving gangs, and even terror groups operating, everyone but the police and government.
The book begins by discussing what a security detail is and how it operates. Then it goes into risk management and threat assessment, which is directly translatable to WROL security. It covers conducting an "advance", which is nothing more than a recon and area study. It talks about team awareness and your own situational awareness.
Next, the books takes you into the nuts and bolts of PSD operations - how to actually provide security. It covers foot formations from one man through a full team of 8 or more. It discusses how to provide protection at speeches and meetings, as well as how to select routes to and from the venue.
There are chapters on motorcade operations and tactical driving, but Deatherage has a second book titled "Survival Driving" that is a complement to this book's skills.
The book covers how to set up a "Counter Assault Team" and do "Counter Sniper Operations", which in TW-03 we called QRF or Quick Reaction Force training. It covers how to search people, vehicles, and buildings, as well as considerations for securing a residence or office. Conducting security surveys are covered in depth.
Counter-Surveillance and indicators of potential attacks are covered, which can help us all.
While the book is a bit pricey, it's worth it to get one copy for your mutual assistance group or if you are interested in the Personal Security World.
Bob Deatherage is a former Marine who worked PSD's in Iraq, Israel, Gaza, and a few other places for both the US Government and various reconstruction companies.