Amazon Affiliate Link to Book: MILITANT TRICKS
I know, it's been a while. NC Scout and I have had a busy training schedule this summer and I've had a few appearances at events. I was glad to get back to another H John Poole book, and we have a few more to go.
For those who don't know, H John Poole is a Marine Officer who now runs a training company focusing on small unit tactics. He believes, as I do, that light infantry skills are more important than gear and that we need to lessen American dependence on firepower and gadgets, especially if we are to fight the Chinese.
In Militant Tricks, Poole assesses how the Iraqi and Afghan Resistance, and to a lesser extent Hezbollah and Hamas, use ancient Chinese strategy to defeat and demoralize a larger and more technologically advanced adversary. I can think of a few scenarios where we might want to pay attention to the way in which they do that.....Relax, Feds, I mean resisting a Chinese or Russian invasion.